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25:40 Youth Leadership Programme




Food parcels during COVID-19 pandemic


Food parcels and seedlings could be distributed to homes and vulnerable kids
25:40 Youth Leadership Programme

25:40 Is a ministry organisation based in the Transkei that focuses specifically on youth development. The name 25:40 is inspired by a verse in Matthew 25:40, ’The king will reply, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’” Recently 25:40’s youth coaches and teachers were able to help specific families of orphaned and vulnerable children twice during lockdown with substantial food parcels. Helping them to sustain themselves, we are giving seed/seedlings to those families already planting something for themselves. Our Youth Leadership workers (including four new guys, partially supported by Butterfly Foundation) have helped distribute food parcels and are safely visiting homes of vulnerable kids in our program with some literacy and numeracy exercises and surveying commitment of caretakers to plant sustainable food gardens. They are also getting new soccer coaching equipment, ready for full practice and coaching to start. We are excited to partner with 25:40 and the work they do in the Transkei!

Contact Details
Business Hours
Monday – Friday
09:00 – 16:00
NPO number
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