This project, namely the LifeSavers Adopt-A-Crib supports specific babies who are in the care of Door of Hope for an extended period before adoption. The partnership with the Butterfly Foundation helps Door of Hope to care for two babies, of which the overall numbers are currently seventy babies in care. By providing for two babies, Butterfly Foundation adopts those cribs and becomes knows as a LifeSaver, a special group of donors who care for specific babies for the duration of the time they are with us.
Door of Hope is a faith-based organization that is place of safety for babies who have been relinquished by their parent/s. We work closely with adoption agencies who facilitate adoptions of the babies in our care but until that happens, we assume all responsibility for their care and wellbeing. We are currently establishing a Village in Walkerville for babies who may not be adopted. We want to ensure that those babies who do not get adopted, still have a home with us.